The material in this guide does not constitute legal advice.

Open source projects are made available and contributed to under licenses that include terms that, for the protection of contributors, make clear that the projects are offered “as-is”, without warranty, and disclaiming liability for damages resulting from using the projects. This guide is no different. The open content license it is offered under includes such terms.


Content is copyright © Engineering Guides authors, released under CC-BY-4.0, which gives you permission to use content for almost any purpose (but does not grant you any trademark permissions), so long as you note the license and give credit, such as follows:

Content based on used under the CC-BY-4.0 license.

Code, including source files and code samples if any in the content, is released under CC0-1.0, with the following exceptions:

  • The primer components in node_modules are under the MIT license; see LICENSE in each component’s directory

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